“Why is it taking so long?”
“Why isn’t there enough stock?”
“Why is it so expensive?”
As an I-phone ambassador, it’s actually easy and common to hear people would do anything for an I-phone, cheat on their families, steal and more. “No offence, not all customers are bad”
I was preparing for my last day of work in Maxis and before I leave the house, guess what I saw on CNN.
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. Not people dying to BUY I-Phones, but dying to PRODUCE them…
There is even a customer who came in and said that the I-phone we are selling “all so no quality”. I was wondering why he actually made such a statement and it turned out that it is because the I-phone we sold is assembled in China. People suicide making I-Phones in China for your information. “I got a hunch that is a reason why I-phones prices are more compared to the United States”..LOl..
Why does this happen? Why are so many people dying? Starvation? I guess its in the asian gene (or more specifically the Kiasu Gene in Chinese) a small mistake and it’s the end of the world, or a tiny critic and their whole family’s honour is being tarnish. Some humiliation causes the Kamikaze affect “the world is better without me sort of thing).
What should Apple do? I mean apple is an American company, and yes it is smart of them to open up a factory in China where workforce is available and also much much affordable. However I believe that the American culture on employee’s satisfaction and how the management treats their employee should also be practiced at the same time. For instance, how google treats that workforce.
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